How does works?
Our database of several hundred contemporary pieces of art is easy to navigate. You can either browse the whole catalogue or use a customized search facility to find your desired piece. Once you find piece that you like, you can enlarge it, obtain information about the artist, see how it fits in with your own room’s color scheme, and even choose a frame! All artworks from our database catalogue are for sale at the fixed non-auction prices shown. On-line purchases are made using Secure technology of “Pay Pal”. Delivery of your artwork is made within 1-3 weeks in the US.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept the following cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. All payments are processed through “Pay Pal”. Your card will be securely authorized using the Pay Pal secure encryption. We will keep you updated via e-mail on delivery progress until you receive the artwork.
How much does charge to ship?
There is no extra charge for shipping and handling to US and Europe. For other locations, please contact us for a shipping quotation. The quoted artwork price in our catalogue includes packing, shipping and insurance in transit.
Do you have a return policy?
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it with receipt to our Sacramento office for a full refund under the following conditions:
- You must contact customer service by email at, telephone at 916-343-9287, advising us in advance of the return.
- Artwork must be returned in its original packing and undamaged.
- You must ship the artwork back within 7 days of the date you receive it.
Providing you fulfill the above 3 conditions, we will arrange for full refund of the cost of the picture to your credit card.
Questions, problems, comments?